The Overdue Life of Amy Byler
Did you know if you are an Amazon Prime member you can get a free kindle book every month with the First Reads program? Maybe this is common knowledge for most people, but I just recently learned this and I’ve had Amazon Prime for years! Anyway, this was a book I got from Amazon’s First Reads program and I’m so glad I chose it. Was it an amazing, life changing, couldn’t put down book? No. But it was a fun, entertaining read while I nursed my baby every night.

Motherhood is HARD! And even though I’m not a single mother and my kids are much younger, I could totally relate to Amy, the protagonist, throughout the book. She is so busy taking care of her kids and house and working she never has time for herself. It can be so hard (at least for me) to find that balance of work and play, and then when/if you do get the opportunity for some “me” time there is always that feeling of guilt!! What the heck is that about? I thought Amy said it perfectly in the book:
“…I am so wedded to feeling awful and guilty and bad…”
—Kelly Harms, The Overdue Life of Amy Byler
And maybe some of you have never felt this way, but man alive I do way to often! While this book wasn’t completely riveting it did have some quotes in it that made me stop to think. Quotes that all moms should apply into their lives! Remember, we are more than just moms!!
“…you can love what you have, love your kids and your life and your friends, and still want more. I get that it’s ok to go out and get more—more love, more friendship, more fulfillment—and still be a wonderful mom.”
—Kelly Harms, The Overdue Life of Amy Byler
Don’t worry…this book isn’t just a bunch of heavy thought provoking quotes. It is also pretty darn funny what with the texting conversations between Amy and her friends, and the letters from Amy’s sassy teenage daughter which come at the beginning of every chapter.
I have decided after reading this book I definitely need my own #momspringa. In NYC. Reading. Getting my hair done. Reading. Sipping cocoa while reading. Shopping. Broadway shows. More broadway shows. Oh and READING. I would love to have a complete makeover and have somebody else style me. I am completely hopeless when it comes to clothing and styling myself!! (For now I think my stitchfix box will be the closest I get to having my own personal stylist).
What the heck is a #momspringa you ask? Read the book if you haven’t figured it out!
But for now, I’ll be content with my girl’s days out with my BFF.
In Case You Were Wondering…
This book does have some language in it including the F word twice. It also contains adult situations and talk though nothing graphic.
Did you know if you are an Amazon Prime member you can get a free kindle book every month with the First Reads program? Maybe this is common knowledge for most people, but I just recently learned ...