The City of Veils (Princess Vigilante, #1)
*I received a free digital copy of this book from Hidden Gems. All opinions are my own!
Ah! My first book review.
Oh my goodness, this book was such a fun read! But before I get to the good stuff I have to say how excited I am about this blog and for my first post. I feel like this blog is my baby…well baby number 5 😉
To tell you the truth I don’t know why I started this blog. Besides reading the same kids books over and over again I hadn’t read a book for myself in years. (I know I shouldn’t be admitting that here in my first book review, but it’s out there now.) Between raising 4 little kids and trying to keep my house clean, by the time I had a moment of freedom I didn’t want to do anything except lounge in my sweats in front of the TV eating chocolate. But something kept nagging me to do something more. Growing up I had always been a reader. My mom instilled a love of books to all three of us girls at an early age, so I messaged them all asking if they would do this with me. I think that is another reason I wanted to start this blog up. My sisters and mom all live somewhat close to each other, but I live in another state. I wanted something we could do together even though we don’t live next door. Besides, what better way to rekindle my love of reading but to start a book blog?! BUT enough chit chat. On to my first review!
I am so excited to introduce you to a new series by author S. Usher Evans about a hooded vigilante who roams the city at night protecting the innocent from evil scumbags like Lord Beswick. But surprise, this masked heroine is actually the princess who ran away from home as to avoid being married off to some prince just for the sake of the kingdom.
A Couple of Characters:
Oh Brynna, the heroine in this book. Talk about a headstrong personality! She is quick witted and always having to do things her own way; completely ignoring the counsel of those who actually know what they are talking about. (I think any parent out there can relate to that!) While the book is a pretty quick read, the author has done a pretty good job of developing the characters for the most part, especially Brynna and her sister-in-law Katarine, you can’t help but like her. Felix, the captain of the guards, I have mixed feelings about. Don’t want to say much else as to avoid possible spoilers, but I can’t wait to see if book 2 changes my feelings about him!
Oh What A World:
The world created by the author is great! It’s not overly complicated and confusing, yet there’s still some complexity to it (if that makes sense). This book is fantasy and takes place in the fantasy world of Forcadel. It does not have too much in the way of magic. Brynna uses lots of different tools, shall we say (think Batman) to help her take down the bad guys when she’s undercover as the veil.
Who Is It For:
While this book is considered YA, I personally would not be comfortable with my younger teens reading it (if my kids were at that age yet). There is a bit of language in it and talk of sleeping with others. BUT for adults and older teens who enjoy a quick read with twists and turns I’d definitely recommend it! This is the first book of S. Usher Evans I have read and I can’t wait to look into her other books. And I definitely cannot wait for book two of the series to come out!
The City of Veils
*I received a free digital copy of this book from Hidden Gems. All opinions are my own! Ah! My first book review. Oh my goodness, this book was such a fun read! But before I get to the good ...