Welcome to All In A Day's Word! Here you will find reviews of books we have read. While we mostly read YA, fantasy, and mystery, we also read quite a bit of historical fiction, religious fiction, regency romance, and of course the classics! Have kids? Make sure to check out our half-ling hangout for reviews on kid books. We will also have a Roundup Wednesday where we will post a list of books we loved reading, are looking forward to reading, bored us to tears, etc.
So who are "we"? We are the Day girls; a mom and three sisters who all love reading and writing! We started All In A Day's Word as a way to share our passions with other like-minded people!
Cindy Day-aka Mom-the mother

Cindy works at the library and passed on her love of books to her girls. When not reading Mom can be found making quilts or making delicious food.
Her favorite book is: The Big Fisherman by Lloyd C. Douglas
Right now she is reading: Triple Jeopardy by Anne Perry (plus a few others)
A clasic book she has never read before that she wants to is: Pride and Prejudice.
Amanda Stevens-aka Panda-the oldest daughter

When not reading she can be found watching Marvel, Tolkien, Stardust; organizing Mom’s Nights/Weekends Out; or chasing her three boys around. Maybe some day she’ll write that comedic novel she’s always dreamed about.
Amanda's all time favorite book is: Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
Right now she is reading: A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
A classic book she has never read before that she wants to is:
Lydia Winterholler-aka Lyd-the middle child

During her free time…oh wait she has four kids, there’s no such thing as free time Although, she has been known to stay up way too late, after kids go to sleep, to indulge in chocolate and Netflix.
Lydia's all time favorite book is: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Right now she is reading: The Orphan's Song by Lauren Kate
A classic book she has never read that she wants to is: 1984 by George Orwell
Savannah Lozano-aka Banana-the youngest

Savannah is the bravest of us all since her chosen profession is a teacher. She loves kickboxing, reading (obviously), watching Netflix, and collecting all things Harry Potter.
Savannah's all time favorite book is: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
Right now she is reading: Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare
A classic book she has never read before that she wants to is: